Dana Point VFW Post 9934 set up a booth for the annual Dana Point Classic Car Show on Del Prado Avenue,  Dana Point  - August 25th.  A total of 325 cars from a wide range of pre-1989 makes and models were displayed along Del Prado, from woodies to restored or unmodified foreign cars. Post Comrades and Auxiliary volunteered to distribute grilled hot dogs, snacks and drinks for donations to aid our Veterans and Active Military and their families.  







 Dana Point VFW Post 9934 set up a refreshment & recruiting booth for the six "Concerts in the Park” at Sea Terrace Park,  Dana Point - July 14th through August 18th.  These concerts provided excellent entertainment for Dana Point locals as well as guests from surrounding cities.  Post Comrades and Auxiliary volunteered for every concert to distribute snacks and drinks for donations to aid our Veterans and Active Military and their families.  Sea Terrace Park is located at the corner of Niguel Road and Pacific Coast Hwy in Dana Point.  


On Saturday, July 6, 2024 Post 9934 Comrades were down at Dana Point Harbor to visit with the locals and visitors.  Our booth was set up on the boardwalk southeast of Coffee Importers.  Post members spoke with over 200 people, many of them Veterans, sharing how our organization can assist them with their VA Claims as well as direct them to other Veterans Programs, including scholarships for junior and senior high students. 


On Saturday, May 18, 2024 members of Dana Point VFW Post 9934 participated in a Military Speakers Forum organized by the Wounded Warriors Club of Portola High School, Irvine.  
Members spoke of their military overseas duty to over 480 students. It was well received and led to some very moving and thoughtful discussions.



The VFW Day of Service is a day set aside for veteran-led local community service events. It is an outgrowth of the VFW’s #StillServing initiative that since 2020 has brought recognition to how much U.S. military veterans continue to serve in their communities after they take off their uniform.

This year on May 11th, Post 9934 in conjunction with the City of Dana Point, planted milkweed and other native plants to attract and feed the local Monarch Butterflies at Sea Terrace Park.